Crisis coming

The Federal Member for New England is the busiest Parliamentarian these days. Videoconferencing from the Benevolent Society’s New England offices (Southern Free Times, June 30) saw him in three places at once doing his darndest to talk up the National Broadband Network.
He says he is concerned with long standing issues in Tenterfield in particular. This writer once watched in jest as an advertising feature was filmed, it was pure fiction. To judge illness such as mental illness whilst peering into a video screen is worse than useless.
People are then branded for life with an imaginary ailment that is unproven and possibly destructive to their futures.
Where was the concern for poor public housing for genuine Australians as Mr Windsor stood side by side with the Prime Minister’s
enormous mind change from “there will be no carbon tax in the Government I lead” before the election, to full steam ahead after it?
Poverty will not bother him as it will the rest of us. Therefore this writer sees him as someone who is dressed up to the nines while the rest of us are sent to Coventry.
Mr Windsor’s words, “It was wonderful to hear from people who are doing it tough” should have embarrassed him, for his hands are upon the powerful levers that will finish them off.
His vote matches his ego and will not be forgotten in generations to come as the unprepared meet the unbelievable crisis that appears unstoppable.
Melba Morris, Allora